Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New things and chin dimples? haha

So I've been really insecure about my imperfections lately- I do not know why. Sometimes I just don't feel beautiful and it's a habit I should get over. Nobody is perfect. As of late I have been obsessing over getting a chin implant as soon as I have $4000 loose cash (hahah yeah right). Well, I've been told by my closest family and friends that my chin dimple is just a part of me and I should just keep it. I keep thinking that I won't be as gorgeous as others because of this dimple. That it brings this sort of manly appeal. But I did some research, and found out a lot of beautiful people have chin dimples. Here are some of whom I found:

And here I am, sporting my chin dimple proudly haha:
Moral of this blog: love yourself, find beauty within, discard any thoughts of hate, do not compare yourself with others, and most importantly be around people who make you feel good about yourself. My belief is that we are social people who rely on the judgement and approval of others. Even if it's done subconsciously, we all want to be loved and liked and to be thought of as pretty. So be with people who genuinely think well of you and in return you will feel well also.