Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Post

I am excited to begin this new sweet little blog. I tried one before with Live Journal, but it did not suit me very well.

I'll start by introducing myself. I'm Miranda, and I love all things vintage. I have 2 lovely kitties: Lilith and Chickabee. My favorite month is October. I love everything about it. The smell of burning wood crackling at a bonfire, sticky, golden caramel apples, orange, brown, green, red and yellow leaves all around, carving pumpkins, bringing out sweaters and scarves, candy galore, trick-or-treaters, and the best part: baking pies ( I like to make them fresh and freeze them for Thanksgiving in November- another fabulous month!).

I'm currently in my first semester in nursing school. I was so happy to get into the program, but lately I've been having a rough time and am not so happy in the program. It's not that I'm not thankful, it's just that it is a really difficult program. My grades have slipped, and one class in particular I am more than likely going to have to re-take. There's really no other reason than learning to change my studying habits. I've been studying to memorize material all of my life, and that's just not how nursing school works. If any of you are nursing students you understand me completely.

Well, with that, I should get going. The picture above is me at 4 years old living in Georgia in Autumn. I had fun reminiscing about the best month ever with you. Be back soon!! xoxo

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