Sunday, February 19, 2012


I took this picture of the Maumee River in Perrysburg, Ohio Summer of 2011 with my HTC EVO. Gorgeous...

For me, Summer is pure bliss. It makes me think of fresh tea brewing in mason jars in the sunlight, making fresh lemonade and seeing kids sell it on the streets, chowing on slices of juicy watermelon and letting the messy juice drip down your neck because it cools you off, popsicles and the sound of "Do your ears hang low do they wobble to and fro?", dogs barking excitedly from all of the neighborhood commotion, the ding of a baseball hitting a baseball bat and the echos of children cheering, long walks on the local beach until sunset, the patient and eager farmers market with their fresh goods and kettle corn, festivals with jam bands that make you want to dance and just 'be', carnivals with cotton candy, elephant ears, funnel cakes with extra powdered sugar, corndogs and fresh cut fries, and caramel apples that stick to your mouth to no end, fireworks and the silent moment of just aww's and ooo's as you calmly stare into the dark sky getting lit up with sparks of red-blue-green-gold-white-rainbow, laying out in the hot sun in a bikini catching rays and reading a good book while knowing all the young boys are watching your every move and hoping you glance their way, cannon balls and belly flops, snow cones and slushies, hotdogs, hamburgers, bbq chicken, steaks on the grill, grilled corn and potatoes with onion, sunflower seeds, bonfires with smores, tubing, water skiing, summer love....I could go on forever.

There's just nothing that compares to summer. <3

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