Saturday, April 9, 2011

Apple butter extravaganza

Yesterday sparked motivation to begin working on a kitchen project-homemade apple butter. I searched and found many different and similar recipes; some that cooked in a pot for 2 hours, others in a crock pot for 12 hours, and some just looked like applesauce, until I found a wonderful recipe I could tweak to make my own :)

This is what I used:
1 3lb bag of McIntosh apples
1 3lb bag of Granny Smith apples
3 1/2  C white sugar
1/2 C brown sugar
1 TBS ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp pumpkin spices
dash of nutmeg

The recipe I based mine off of used only 4 C white sugar, no brown sugar, didn't include pumpkin spice, and instead used 1/4 tsp salt. It also didn't tell me which apples to use, but My momma always said to make the best apple sauce use McIntosh, and I read elsewhere that mixing those with Granny Smith gives a wonderful sweet/ tangy taste. They were right!! It's gorgeous!! 15 hours later! haha

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